
I have never ever EVER seen an episode of Star Trek, but I still love Uhura. The original Uhura was played by Nichelle Nichols and in the upcoming Star Trek Movie, a younger Uhura will be played by Zoe Saldana. The audience got to see Uhura go from a Lieutenant all the way to a captain through the course of the show. Nichols wanted to leave after her first season, but was persuaded by Martin Luther King Jr himself to stay on. Mae Jemison, the first African American woman to fly in space, sited Uhura as an influence on her choice of profession.

Trivia - Mae Jemison actually appeared on the show in a cameo.


Anonymous said...

Uhura is also the first lady of sci-fi geeks. Before her, there were no Trekkies. So she's should be annointed as geek queen or something to that effect.

Samax said...

i first noticed this actress in spielberg's "The Terminal"... she's a great choice!

Anonymous said...

Check out Nichelle Nichols truly heroic role in her new underground film destined to put BUSH BEHIND BARS!!!

Scary teaser trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcl-uofCzRc

Website: http://thetorturer.com

Jacque said...

Wow! This is a great blog. Very interesting..keep it up! :)

Ruby said...

But why does the doll in the last pic have Claire Huxtable's face?

Anonymous said...

I really love this blog. I also have never seen an episode of Star Trek but I LOVED the movie. I pretty much love anything sci fi/geeky.